
Learn how to use logging utilities to print to Logcat

Printing to Logcat is done using the functions found in Logging.kt, such as debugLn, verboseLn, warnLn and errorLn.

Pass the String or object you want to print to Logcat into the lamda parameter. Each one of them represent a Logcat Level to print into.

Using debugLn will print a DEBUG message in the log, while warnLn will log a WARNING and so on.

Example of usage

debugLn { "This is a debug message" }
warnlLn { "Code was executed $count times" }
errorLn { 
		val result = runHeavyOperation()
    "Error! This is what happened: $result"

No logging in release builds

Logging will take place only in debug builds. This is done according to the BuildConfig.DEBUG.


This makes it safe for you to run heavy operations inside the passing lambdas as they will only run if logging is enabled.


To override this behavior and manually enable or disable logging use the setLogging() function.

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Last updated on August 4, 2021