
Learn how to keep track of screen sessions, ever events and more.

Use BlazeComposable for automatic tracking of screen sessions

Wrap your screen level composable with the BlazeComposable. Blaze will automatically track the duration spent between the host lifecycle’s ON_RESUME and ON_PAUSE events (activity or fragment).


Track custom events

In your @Composable function, use rememberAnalytics() to get a reference to an Analytics object. Use the logEvent() function to pass the name of the event you want to track, along with any extra information for the event.


Here is an example of how to track a ‘button click’ event, passing an extra ‘count’ as a parameter:

val analytics = rememberAnalytics()

Button(onClick = {
    analytics.logEvent("button click", mapOf("count" to 5))
}) {
    Text("Buy 5")
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