Setup Automatic Updates to Play Store

Learn how to push new updates to the Play Store using git.

Android Blaze removes the tedious process of pushing app updates manually from the Play Store console. The Code + CI package automates the process by pushing a new version when you push your code to Github. This page will show you how to set this up:

Automatic updates to Play Store are only available via the Code + CI package of Android Blaze.


Make sure to have an app created on the Play Store Console. This is required in order to push a new version for your app.

Add the build.yml file in your android project

After you purchase the Code + CI package of Android Blaze, you will find an additional file via LemonSqueezy.

Download the file and add it to your project at .github/worlflows/ in the root of your project.

Make sure to update the mentioned packageName to your application’s packageName.


Add your keystore to Github Secrets

Go to your Github repository (the repository that hosts your app, not the original Android Blaze repository) and go to ⚙️ Settings → Secrets and variables → Actions

Create the following secrets:

RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS, RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD, RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD: Details of your keystore you intent to sign your app with.

RELEASE_STORE_BASE64: The keystore file in base64.


To convert a file to base64 use the following command to copy it to your clipboard:

Mac OS: base64 -i /path/to/keystore/my.keystore | pbcopy

Linux: base64 -i /path/to/ubidrop.keystore | xclip -selection clipboard


certutil -encode /path/to/ubidrop.keystore encoded.txt 
type encoded.txt | clip

SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON: The contents of your json key coming from the Google Cloud. Click here to learn where to find it.


You Github secrets should look like this:

Notion image

Create a tag and push

Once you have included the secrets to your repository, create a tag via git (such as v1.0). When you push the new tag, Github will automatically sign and release your app to the Play Store.

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