
Learn how to onboard users into your app

Android Blaze comes with a OnboardingScreenContent() composable that you can use to onboarding your users into your app.

It takes a list of pages, which you can use to highlight important features in your app.


Here is a sample on how to use it:

    pages = listOf(
        OnboardingPageItem("Important Feature #1\nKeep it short and sweet\nUp to 3 lines",
        OnboardingPageItem("Important Feature #2\nKeep it short and sweet\nUp to 3 lines",
        OnboardingPageItem("Important Feature #3\nKeep it short and sweet\nUp to 3 lines",
    onSkipClick ={
				// TODO mark onboarding as seen and navigate to home
    onOnboardingDone ={
				// TODO mark onboarding as seen and navigate to home
Notion image
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